Loving Intuitive Mastermind (LOV.I.M)


Welcome Dear Soul:

Come and play in a joyful, intuitive mastermind. Enjoy belonging to a loving circle where empathic, heart-centered Souls like yourself reconnect with their purpose and illuminate the world with their gifts.

Your presence, wisdom, vulnerability, gifts, and insights are treasures that will be appreciated in this group. Show up as you are. You will be embraced, seen, and heard.

Activate and build confidence in your intuition, clarify your deepest Soul desires, and use your inner wisdom to create the life of your dreams while unlocking the transformative power within yourself.

This is a sacred space created for you to access the collective wisdom of the group and practice expanding your unique intuitive abilities.

“This group has helped me with so many things. Especially support. I LOVE IT. It's so insightful and soul energizing. I come out of these group sessions with my heart, soul, and my cups filled.” Juliana D.

Who is this program for?

Do you want to elevate yourself into your next best chapter with more ease, flow, and joy, meet like-minded people on an exciting growth journey, and feel ready to step into your greatest purpose, expanded vision, and passion for creating a ripple effect of positive change in yourself and community? Then YOU are who this program was designed for!

In this program you will:

Build confidence in your intuitive insights within a caring, group setting.
Reconnect with your Higher Self effortlessly and authentically.
Accelerate your growth and increase personal freedom and joy.
Connect with like-minded people who celebrate and support each other.
Clarify your deepest Soul desires to remember what you came here to do.

You were born for greatness and purpose!

You have unique gifts the world needs, and the time to share them is now. How do you bring your vision to life?

Take a deep breath and relax; you are exactly where you need to be; in the right place, at the right time, getting the right message. This message.

It was written for YOU, dear Soul, because you are ready to step into your vision and create the impact calling to your heart. We’ll work together to clarify your purpose, enabling you to confidently take action and bring your vision and legacy to life.


Program Details:

The Loving Intuitive Mastermind (LOV.I.M) is a transformational program designed to help you unlock your true potential and live a life that aligns with your Soul purpose.

You’ll have access weekly intuitive mastermind gatherings with a wonderful Soul Tribe that will anchor, support, and further activate your soul’s purpose, path, and legacy. It is also a vibrant community where deep friendships are formed, authentic connections are nurtured, and real change happens. 

The program is designed to help you develop and trust your inner voice and feel confident and excited to share your gifts with the world, bringing more joy to yourself and others. You’ll develop a strong connection to your intuition and gain the confidence to step into your greatness.

As a member of this program, you’ll receive guidance on your Soul path with key topics and resources to explore each month. You will also receive activations and assignments specifically designed to empower you to actualize your dream life.

You’ll be part of an exciting community where you can receive and provide support with weekly online experiences and a private WhatsApp group between calls.

Core exercises include: Channeling and transmitting, mastermind brainstorming, mind
mapping, positive gossiping, meditations, vision board creating, breathwork, qi gong, and an
opportunity for you to share your talents and insights with the group for greater expansion.


The program focuses on 9 key activations:

Clarify Your Soul Purpose And Secret Desires:  

  1. Clarify your unique Soul gifts and purpose: Understand your unique superpowers.
  2. Define your secret dreams: What is important for you to do and experience before you die? 
  3. Open your heart: Create beautiful connections by learning to be more vulnerable and letting others see more of your inner world.

Activate + Trust Your Intuitive Guidance: 

  1. Intuitive masterminding: Practice tuning in to, strengthening, and trusting your intuitive abilities as you share and receive insights with the group. Benefit from the collective wisdom of each member along with dedicated coaching.
  2. Radiant health + self-care: Receive greater insights and connect more easily as you clear, strengthen, and further align your mind and body.
  3. Manage your ego: Develop the courage to move in the direction of your greatest vision for yourself by addressing limiting beliefs and fears.

Connect with a Loving Community: 

  1. Align your vision with your highest values: Increase belief as you connect with synchronicities and opportunities to implement your Soul purpose. Share with your community to amplify your vision of the brilliant next chapter of life.
  2. Creat new habits through practice + support: Gain confidence as you create new behaviours, beliefs, and neural pathways that support your vision. Keep on track as your Soul tribe assist you in staying accountable and motivated.
  3. Take action and do what you were born for: Implement joyful ways to play in the world, where you get to share your gifts and be appreciated for them.


  • 1:1 deep dive into your Soul activation plan.
  • Soul map meditations for the group.
  • Special guests from time to time.
  • A 30-minute celebration call outlining the next steps.

About this program:

This journey will enable you to clarify, activate, and connect your unique soul gifts with your inner knowing and power, you’ll find yourself drawn to like-minded people who share your vision for living a joyful life aligned with their Soul mission. Together, we’ll create a ripple effect of positive change that will impact the world in meaningful, beautiful ways while moving you toward the life of your dreams, supporting and celebrating each other on that journey.

This Journey Enables You To:

Reconnect with your Soul purpose.
Re-activate your intuitive abilities.
Trust your instincts and insights.
Clarify Soul needs & secret desires.
Create nourishing self-care routines.
Align you vision + passion with your values.
Take easy, actionable steps to achieve your goals.
Co-elevate and connect with like-minded people.
Adopt a growth mindset unlocking greater potential.

Unlock Your Full Potential By Releasing Blocks Such As:

Difficulty activating your intuition from a fear of failure or imposter syndrome.
Easily become ungrounded and overwhelmed energetically.
Have a highly sensitive nervous system and take on other people's "stuff."
Self-sabotage yourself and have poor boundaries.
Feel disconnected from your unique Soul gifts and passions.
Feel too exhausted or uninspired to fulfill your true potential.
Lack of support to take action with your goals and dreams.
Feel alone and unsupported on your journey toward expansion.

Join this Transformational Journey

Weekly intuitive mastermind gatherings on Zoom.
A private WhatsApp group for ongoing support.
Relevant, key topics to deep dive into and align with your dream life.
A supportive Soul tribe to anchor in your purpose.

A Whatsapp community where collaboration, celebrations, breakthroughs, and support by members is made available. Say yes to your life! Take this journey back to your Soul in a place that’s safe to do deep inner work. My approach to facilitating is to go with what the group most needs in each session.

So take a deep breath, and say YES! You are a powerful, divine being with a mission. As you embrace your purpose and share your journey with others, you’ll unlock a sense of joy and fulfillment that will nourish your soul. Live a magnificent life, expressing your highest potential doing what you came here to do.


Intuitive Masterminds

Harmonize and elevate your well-being in a loving, intuitive mastermind circle.

Recharge yourself and elevate the consciousness of the group. Enjoy a focused meditations while diving into unchartered territory to get to the heart of your Soul purpose.

Each gathering has a special theme such as abundance, self-love, creativity, your legacy, your shadows, your inner child, and others.

Join our Loving Intuitive Mastermind (LOV.I.M) and say YES to your life by clarifying your life vision, and unleash more of your greatness to live your best life while doing what brings your Soul deep meaning.

If you prefer private 1:1 coaching, or want to bring this program to your company, get in touch to discuss.

Energy exchage:
3-month program ($2,500)

When and Where:
Mondays 6-8 PM CET
Next session starts in September


Meet Your Guide:

Yvette’s passion and mission are to enhance the ability of empathic, heart-centered leaders and changemakers to impact the world by powerfully reconnecting with their Soul purpose.

Yvette leverages decades of experience to support clients through deep personal transformation. She is a practitioner of ancient healing practices, an expert in bio-resonance technology, a mentor, and an author with multiple publications. She is skillful in taking people on inner journeys that empower them to create the life of their dreams.

She works with visionary leaders who want to create a powerful ripple effect of positive change in their lives and communities.

Yvette’s background combines corporate leadership and a rich health practice consisting of Taoist and Ayurvedic principles, strategic martial arts concepts, mental training, lifestyle upgrades, and breathwork.

She specializes in the use of gentle, harmonic frequencies with state-of-the-art technologies to support deep healing and inner work.

Yvette is a passionate advocate for a brilliant and healthy life lived from the heart and is known for her warmth and heart-centered, soul-focused approach. Her own journey through a career-ending accident, years of intense physical pain, and having to learn to walk again intensified her desire to empower others in their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being with compassion, humour, and humanity.

Yvette pierces through to the heart of one’s blocks quickly and compassionately assists clients in creating a practical, easily achievable program to unleash their inner greatness and potential. This life-giving breath of powerful, fresh energy quickly activates, inspires, and enables people to move closer to living a joyful life of purpose and passion in line with their core values and deepest desires.

Clients often refer to Yvette as their “Soul Whisperer” because of how deeply they feel seen, heard, understood, and “held,” on their journey.

Connect with me on LinkedIn!


Client Love

"Yvette is always completely and utterly present with you in the moment. There are very few people I know who can be so grounded and settled in themselves as they interact with you. Her ability to listen is deep and compassionate, patient and non-judgmental."
Effie ChanCanada
"I’ve had amazing experiences working with Yvette. It has been life-changing for me! If you ever get a chance, please sit down with Yvette. Just being with her, you will have a healing experience. It is calming and healing just to be in her presence. Thank you, Yvette, thank you."
Karen RomanoCanada
"Yvette is a vastly knowledgeable, warm, and friendly person who took her time with me. I felt that she really understood what I was going through. Working with Yvette has significantly improved my mental health, as well as my physical. I highly, highly recommend her."
Sherri MellamedCanada
"I am so grateful to have been introduced to Yvette. She took great care to listen closely to my needs and provided me with very clear, detailed feedback. It is very evident that she is passionate about empowering others."
Jana RothwellCanada
"Giving thanks to Yvette for the huge impact that her work has had on setting my life back on track."
Julia G.Canada
"Yvette is masterful in how she supports people using a variety of tools and tech- niques, lifting them up and inspiring them to bring out their very best."
Niki G.Hungary
"Yvette is authentic and transparent. If you want to work with someone who cares about bringing out your highest potential, it's Yvette. I've personally experienced great results. She is a phenomenal person, unique, and one-of-a-kind,. I highly recommend her to everyone."

30-day money-back guarantee

I understand the importance of feeling aligned on a journey that is both intimate and in-depth. As such, I have created a risk-free option for you.

These programs have brought tremendous insight, courage, healing, and transformation to my clients. They have had a profound effect on their lives and well-being. I am confident this program will bring your massive growth and fulfillment. If you do the work, you’ll benefit enormously from Blueprint to Your Soul Path.

I am happy to back up the program with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If, for some reason, it wasn’t what you expected in terms of content and guidance, and you are not 100% satisfied with our support and contribution to your growth and life, write to info@bioresonancescans.com by the end of your first month in the program, and you will be provided with a full refund.

The Soul Whisperer does not guarantee your ability to get results with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees to you.

Click here to say Yes to your Soul Path and join the community! Email: info@bioresonancescans.com

Connect with on these platforms:


Yvette on Heal.Me 

Yvette’s personal website 
